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Closures in PHP 5.3 and PHP 5.4

Submitted by nk on Thu, 2011-05-19 03:18

The up and coming PHP 5.4 NEWS contains a cryptic entry "Added closure $this support back". This inspired me to write a blog post on closures because we might to want use them in Drupal 8*. Here is the simplest closure example:

function simple_printer($name) {
  return function () use (
$name) {

super_printer() {
  return function(
$name) {

$foo_printer = simple_printer('foo');
$bar_printer = simple_printer('bar');
$super = super_printer();

See how 'foo' gets "welded" into $foo_printer? The technical terms for this is that the closure returned from the simpler_printer function inherits $name from the scope of the simple_printer function. The closure returned from super_printer does not inherit anything from its parent scope.

In PHP 5.4 you can do more:

class A {
$value = 1;
single_getter($name) {
    return function() use (
$name) {
super_getter() {
    return function(
$name)  {

$a = new A;
$single_getter = $a->single_getter('value');
$super_getter = $a->super_getter();

While there are many ways to interpret what $this can mean in a closure, in PHP 5.4 it is inherited the same way as $name is inherited in the single_getter. Consider the following:

class A {
$value = 1;
single_getter($name) {
    return function() use (
$name) {
B {
$value = 2;
test() { 
$a = new A;
$single_getter = $a->single_getter('value');

$b = new B;

This will print 1.

That's all. You still can't extend classes with new methods via closures or any other way. But this way you can crack the door a little by giving a setter to every property be it public or not. And, at least it will be an explicit call. Because PHP 5.4 has Traits (basically, compiler assisted copy-paste):

trait Sanity
  public function
setter() {
    return function (
$property, $value) {
$this->$property = $value;

A {
$value = 1;
single_getter($name) {
    return function() use (
$name) {

$a = new A;
$setter = $a->setter();
$setter('value', 2);
$single_getter = $a->single_getter('value');

Now, a class that has use Sanity; can use __call to implement some extension method. Still better than reflection...

























* we definitely want closures in Drupal 8 if we think our developer community has grown too large -- this is a great way to chase a lot of them away and make sure we get few new ones.

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Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 2011-05-19 06:55.

Thanks for the footnote. That's exactly what I was thinking :-)

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 2011-05-19 08:22.

We already have at least one (fake) closure in Drupal 7, in filter_xss() - we just have to do a silly confusing dance with static variables to work around the fact that PHP 5.2 doesn't actually support closures:

($allowed_tags, TRUE);
// ...
return preg_replace_callback('...', '_filter_xss_split', $string);

_filter_xss_split($m, $store = FALSE) {

  if (
$store) {
$allowed_html = array_flip($m);
// ...

db_query in D6 did the same thing.

Wouldn't this be easier to follow, with a real closure?

return preg_replace_callback('...', function($m) use ($allowed_tags) {
$allowed_html = array_flip($allowed_tags);
// ...
}, $string);

Of course littering the code with closures just because they're cool would be a terrible idea. But I see nothing wrong with using them when they make things more maintainable than they are now.

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 2011-05-19 17:20.

thanks for bringing this up, Károly. New possibilities of php should be considered when planning ahead, like for Drupal 8. I am sure, that the Drupal developers will not use new features just because it's more fun.

There's a chance that you have created closures in the past, even without knowing it.
If you've created anonymous functions before, you have met closures :)
"Anonymous functions, also known as closures ..."

Submitted by nk on Sun, 2011-05-29 02:48.

so adding a closure won't hurt there.

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 2011-07-05 12:26.

can you use $this in closure with PHP 5.4 ?

in PHP 5.3:
( ! ) Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in /home/.../public_html/closure.php on line 10

once $this is added in "

return function() use ($name, $this) {
( ! ) Fatal error: Cannot use $this as lexical variable in /home/.../public_html/closure.php on line 15

and even if you do something like :

= $this;
return function() use (
$name, $zis) {

in both setter and single_setter, the properties cannot be accepted :
( ! ) Fatal error: Cannot access private property A::$value in /home/mrochette/public_html/closure.php on line 11