The drop is always movingYou know that saying about standing on the shoulders of giants? Drupal is standing on a huge pile of midgetsAll content management systems suck, Drupal just happens to suck less.Popular open source software is more secure than unpopular open source software, because insecure software becomes unpopular fast. [That doesn't happen for proprietary software.]Drupal makes sandwiches happen.There is a module for that

What JS makes this monkey dance?

Submitted by nk on Tue, 2014-09-16 04:27

Today I found myself in a complex codebase and my ticket was: this JS on this old page makes the monkey dance, can you make it dance on the new page? Well, my JS knowledge is... limited but I have a really mean right click. So I right clicked and looked around the source Chrome showed me. There was a div with a class slideshow-node-embed-processed. Now that's important: -processed is added by the jQuery once plugin that Drupal 7 happens to ships with. It's much easier to recognize the handiwork of the plugin than actually use it -- this is true for many similar reverse engineering scenarios. Next step is ag slideshow-node-embed (you have ag installed, don't you?) which comes back with a single JS file called sites/all/themes/foo/js/node-embed.js. Next ag -A2 -B2 node-embed.js -- just searching is pointless but by adding some context to it hopefully we can see some settings or CSS necessary.

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